How to Smoke a Cigar

Men Smoking Cigars

Cigar smoking is serious business. And usually conducted for business… and also pleasure. When smoking a cigar, one must be well versed in the ways of manliness and prestige that comes a long with the deed. Here are a few tips of the trade to get your cigar smoking on a higher level.

Choose a location to smoke your cigar. A quiet mountainside, an established lounge, a birthday party or your own backyard would all be ideal places. Find somewhere serene or social, whatever you prefer.

Next, put on something fancy. Smoking cigars in pajamas isn’t the way to go, unless you’re adorned in a silk robe.

Pour a glass of scotch on the rocks, and begin.

Hold the cigar between your index finger and your thumb. Do not hold it like you would a cigarette, but rather more in the fashion that you would hold your custom anagrammed ballpoint pen.

Cut and light the cigar – tips on how to do this can also be Googled.

Do not inhale the cigar smoke, but rather swish it around in your mouth and enjoy the aroma of the tobacco. Smoking a cigar is about savoring the taste.

Take your time – stagger your puffs at about one per minute. Be sure to take about an hour to smoke one cigar. This is your time to relax, no rushing.

There’s no need to ash a cigar as often as you would a cigarette. Ash when you see a lot of build-up, since it’s hindering the airflow into the ember – but don’t ash it anytime there’s the littlest build-up.

Put the cigar out when it’s emitting too much heat and leaving a bad taste in your mouth. Normally, this occurs within the last two inches of the cigar.

When putting a cigar out, be sure to set it in the ashtray and let it burn out naturally. Don’t hulk smash it into an ashtray.